Big Brother Monday....

I have decided to make every Monday until the end of the season Big Brother Monday! I only get a chance to watch the show on the weekend since that is when my husband and I watch it. So Monday's I am able to look at all the gossip. And not worry about spoiling it for me!(Please don't post any spoilers...I don't want to read them!)

First, Nick and his Top 5 list...what guys have a top 5 list of guys too? I don't have a Top 5 list of girls! Here he is discussing his top 5....

Second, what is up with Amber crying all the time? That poor girl. She cries when she is nominated and she cries when she is not! Here she is crying because Jen made her cry.

Third, Dick rocks...I really like this guy. I wish that he was my dad. I think its because that he isn't afraid to tell it like it is...and how can he do that without putting a big target on his back I'll never know. Here he is telling Jen off....again.

Also the most touching moment I have ever seen had to do with Dick and Daniele, I really teared was the sweetest thing around.

There that's my Monday...